Note that DeeperContext is currently inactive, though may be available for special projects. Contact Jeremy for more info or if you need websites built.
  • DC FOR ENTREPRENEURS: Mynde Mayfield uncovered the DEEPER CONTEXT of her female-focused web presence building company. You could too...

  • Conversations For Deeper Context is a new podcast series wherein Jeremy explores the concept of curiosity with people who inspire him.

See and hear some recent and featured projects

Conversations For Deeper Context

Conversations For Deeper Context

Jeremy from Deeper Context has conversations with people he likes and respects about curiosity and their worldview.
Sarah McLachlan Podcast – “Fumbling: The Podcast”

Sarah McLachlan Podcast – “Fumbling: The Podcast”

A three-episode series focusing on people's personal and emotional connections to Sarah McLachlan's music, from some unlikely sources.
Michael Jackson Podcast – “Thrillercast”

Michael Jackson Podcast – “Thrillercast”

A year-long project approaching a seminal piece of creative work from five distinct viewpoints
The Miles Davis Podcast

The Miles Davis Podcast

Creating a "way in" to an intimidating subject by talking to fans rather than experts.

Read the latest from the blog